  • 17250. 匿名 2020/09/21(月) 23:31:05 


    今、Friends Without a Borderの2019年版の年次報告書とウェブ概要をざっと読んでみました。


    その後、2013年に、次には東南アジアの他の地域に拡張するために、ラオスの子供たちの病院を設立することを決め、2015年にLao Friends Hospital For Children (ラオス小児病院)を設立したとのこと。


    Mission and History - Friends Without A Border
    Mission and History - Friends Without A Borderfwab.org

    At Friends Without A Border, we promote sustainable solutions to healthcare in developing countries through the model of Treatment + Education + Prevention.



    World-renowned Japanese photographer Kenro Izu first visited Cambodia in 1993 to photograph the Angkor Wat temples. During his travels, he often encountered ill and malnourished children, many missing arms and legs — a horrific legacy of America’s conflict in Vietnam. After witnessing a young girl die, simply because her father could not afford $2 for medical care, Kenro decided to take action and give back to the country that inspired his photographic journey.

    In 1996, he founded Friends Without A Border, a nonprofit organization with the mission to provide compassionate medical care to children in Southeast Asia. After years of planning and gathering support from donors, photographers and friends around the world, Friends Without A Border opened Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC) in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

    Since that time, AHC has treated nearly 2 million children, trained thousands of health-care professionals and was deemed “one of only three essential health-care institutions” in the entire country by a Cambodian health minister.

    In January of 2013, Friends Without A Border celebrated a long-held goal as Kenro handed over a heart-shaped “key to the hospital” to the dedicated staff of AHC, thus transferring the administration of the hospital to local management. At the same time, Friends decided to expand its mission of helping the children of Southeast Asia into

