1. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:06:36
間違ってても絵文字を使っても、主に英語で会話するトピです、では主から、My name is Garue.How were you?+14
2. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:07:12
3. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:07:16
4. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:07:22
5. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:07:31
6. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:07:47
7. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:07:51
8. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:07:59
Hi! Nushi
9. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:08:05
10. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:08:09
omg.I'm garue too!!!!!!!!!+40
11. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:08:15
12. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:08:16
I'm pregnant...I can't eat so much food but my condition is not bad!!!+47
13. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:08:25
Daddy better make me choke♥️
14. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:08:31
15. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:08:38
16. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:08:57
miso soup+4
17. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:09:25
18. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:09:30
19. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:09:35
I am hungry. What should I eat for dinner? I feel like eating something healthy.+8
20. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:09:53
21. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:09:55
What is this shitty topic?は+1
22. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:10:09
Spoiler alert⚠️
I am the one who bred her🥚
23. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:10:11
24. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:10:21
I decided to quit my current job. It was hard decision for me but it’s necessary for my own future.+34
25. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:10:23
I love Donald Trump!
新型ウイルスは「真珠湾攻撃よりひどい」 トランプ米大統領 - BBCニュースwww.bbc.comトランプ米大統領は6日、新型ウイルスの世界的流行(パンデミック)をアメリカに対する「最悪の攻撃」だと表現。批判の矛先を中国に向けた。
トランプ氏、真珠湾攻撃は「邪悪な急襲」 - 日本経済新聞www.nikkei.com【ワシントン=永沢毅】1941年の日本軍の真珠湾攻撃から76年を迎えた7日、トランプ米大統領は攻撃から生き延びた元米兵をホワイトハウスに招いた。真珠湾攻撃について「邪悪な急襲だ」と
26. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:10:47
I don't want to go to work tomorrow!+19
27. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:10:53
28. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:11:00
29. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:11:01
30. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:11:02
31. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:11:20
32. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:11:33
33. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:11:41
Fingers crossed+13
34. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:11:46
I always sleepy。+5
35. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:11:58
Sunday is not today.
36. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:12:02
37. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:12:20
38. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:12:28
アイアム ガルコ
39. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:12:33
Go away !+4
40. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:12:40
Me neither. I have to go out to visit my client tomorrow…I just want to stay home because it’s freezing outside.+5
41. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:12:42
I am single.
For the last three days, I reached the last day without meeting anyone.
It's empty.+3
42. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:12:57
43. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:13:01
I'm wearing paaaaaaaaaaaaa+1
44. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:13:38
Ice cream🍨Island🏝Injury🤕chaIr🪑tIger🐯
45. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:13:39
46. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:13:51
47. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:13:53
48. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:14:12
Go away, you pervert
49. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:14:24
so at last,I used 「。」+2
50. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:14:28
I’ve decided to cook soup curry at my dinner.
It will be contained lots of vegetables and some lambs.
I reckon it’s healthier than genera Japanese curry 🍛+3
51. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:15:04
52. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:15:24
Too long…+4
53. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:16:01
me too+3
54. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:16:25
I hope you will be better.+19
55. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:16:28
i can get it.
its not empty. you just needed to charge your energy. so dont worry! everyone needs time to rest!+6
56. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:16:35
What’s the matter?!😳+3
57. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:17:02
I don't want to go to the supermarket
Very cold very cold …+4
58. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:17:06
Oh congrats! I hope your baby is growing healthy.
59. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:17:07
It depends.Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t.+6
60. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:17:08
61. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:18:09
how can I sayゆるっとin English?+1
62. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:18:42
I’m glad that there are people I can communicate in English. I needed an English speaking buddy!+2
63. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:19:05
where is MR.golden?+2
64. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:19:08
I wish your decision will lead you better life. Good luck🤞+9
65. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:19:14
for example of 下手
66. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:19:54
ハウ アバウト ライス、ミソスープ アンド ジャパニーズ ピクルス.
イツッ グッド フォー ユー.+5
67. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:20:01
Thank you. I don’t have anyone who consults with that, so your comment helps me a lot. Thank again and god bless you.+4
68. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:20:32
I was taking a nap.
I’m going to make Kema curry.
What are you having for dinner today?+2
69. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:20:53
roughly maybe?+2
70. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:21:25
Sorry to jump in,
71. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:21:32
i have no plan yet. maybe just Japanese hot pot.+2
72. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:21:37
73. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:21:45
74. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:22:00
How ARE you?+30
75. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:22:17
76. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:23:10
77. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:23:26
enjoy your Pregnancy life!+11
78. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:23:33
also rain+2
79. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:23:42
Thank you so much for your kind reply. It takes long time for that decision, but I think I could not able to hang in there.+3
80. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:23:48
81. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:24:40
My mom’s home made Harumaki
82. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:26:25
I see.Thank you so much!+2
83. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:26:42
It's outrageous and unsuitable for girls...+2
84. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:27:15
85. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:27:24
My daughter is celebrating her birthday today! Our plan is to eat a cake. I'm excited to eat it!。+2
86. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:27:54
let's try!+4
87. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:28:16
I’m learning Spanish with Dualingo now.
Can here speak Spanish?+0
88. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:28:31
Is that so?
Wait, I'm gonna try it.+3
89. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:28:54
Such a feeling's coming over me
There is wonder in most everything I see
Not a cloud in the sky, got the sun in my eyes
And I won't be surprised if it's a dream。+0
90. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:29:12
I'm glad for your reply
Let's do our best together starting tomorrow+1
91. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:29:34
92. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:30:10
Wow 🤩
What time should I visit your place?😚+2
93. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:30:21
How old is she?+2
94. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:30:22
No hablo espanol
Hablo ingles y japones+2
95. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:31:45
I was moved by reading your reply.
Recharging for the past three days has made me want to try harder tomorrow.
I hope you have a wonderful holiday too+3
96. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:33:14
5 years old!+1
97. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:33:19
98. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:33:20
Anytime you want. I will keep some for you :)
99. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:34:12
Thanks for your kindness!!!
This is my first pregnancy life,so I'm a little nervous but I'm looking forward to see my baby.+10
100. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:34:31
I consider to start learning on duolingo.
For learning English, do you find it is useful?+1
101. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:34:34
Oh hablas español muy bien!!+2
102. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:35:25
103. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:35:42
104. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:38:05
105. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:38:08
i hope your condition will get worse+1
106. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:38:26
He everyone,
How did you get your English or other languages skills?
And do you continue learning it still now?+3
107. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:39:33
Looks good!
But,why you have so many train🚃?w+4
108. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:39:39
109. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:40:27
I'm on the top of the world lookin down on creation+0
110. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:40:34
111. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:40:39
just take care of yourself+4
112. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:42:23
Sorry, it should be written “Hi” , not he…..😣+1
113. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:42:58
I used to lived in the US for 4 years to go to a college there.+1
114. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:43:55
ウォータープープ カムアウト💩+3
115. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:44:56
Why the Carpenters?
116. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:45:50
I am not sure if it is a good tool since I just signed up for it like 10 days ago, and I’m learning español in English with that app because it was the only available language combination for learning español.
But I’ve got an impression that it could bring the level of the language you’re trying to master to a level where you can understand simple and essential sentences for traveling or a get-to-know situation when you meet someone new.
Hope my español can also improve to that level in a few months 😆+2
117. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:46:12
Tu espanol es bien!+1
118. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:46:44
Oh, it’s a wonderful experience. Actually l started learning when I was 33. I always feel an inferiority complex… but still now study hard every day. Thank you for sharing😍+1
119. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:47:22
i understand..but just carry on..+0
120. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:50:23
Did anyone take a TOEIC today?
121. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:50:45
Wow.it's your first experience.Souns so exciting!
Don't worry be happy♪+8
122. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:52:17
From now on I am going to make dinner, drinking beer.
123. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:52:21
I hope your effing ugly baby will sink in your 羊水 deeper than submarine when you're having one+0
124. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:52:49
The last time I took TOEIC is more than 10 years ago. How did it go?+2
125. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:52:58
I was fine+4
126. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:53:04
It’s been raining so much and it’s bringing me down+1
127. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:54:04
Thank you for letting me know it. I’m studying on online-class and I’m looking for some app for English learning. I will consider it🥰
And I wish your Espanol skill will be increased sharply that level you aim to.+1
128. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:55:53
Thank you, you too!+1
129. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:56:13
Take care+4
130. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 16:57:55
Oh so is she 年中さん right?
Enjoy the party!+1
131. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:01:48
132. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:03:49
Studying English is my passion. One of my favourite YouTuber,who speaks over 11 languages fluently—showed us how he acquired English skills in detail and I thought like This is what I have been looking for! Eventhough I decided to study English in his way, I left my reference book in the car last night.It takes only 2 steps to the car I know, but it’s kind of hassle because of the rain and coldness.I’m lazy…+1
133. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:07:10
By the request from my mother, we will eat Hamburg steaks(attached images) tomorrow. My mother’s stomach is stronger than me…unbelievable she is 76 years old……+4
134. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:14:15
135. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:21:04
No need to worry about it ww
I've already have my children www
For your info, 羊水 is water or amniotic fluid in English.+0
136. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:21:44
Is there any fans of Kimetsu-no-Yaiba?。+1
137. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:24:35
138. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:25:28
i am surprise because one pocky is left in package yet
139. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:25:36
Wow I am witnessing a perfect example of English-speaking Garu民
So sickening as hell+1
140. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:31:23
I think it’s just a poor crasher. Ignoring it is the best way to continue chatting in peace.+2
141. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:33:00
thank you so much!
I refreshed completely💩+3
142. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:33:26
Take care of you😚
And‥please say hello to your baby👶
With love‥from Nagano Prefecture🙂+7
143. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:34:04
You’re making me hungry!😂+3
144. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:35:20
Why don’t you join with us tomorrow?+2
145. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:36:08
146. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:38:46
yeah, it's sad that there are really sick ppl with poor minds. don't sink to the same level, just ignore them.+2
147. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:40:08
Just a little lucky always make us great happy!!🥰+1
148. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:44:01
Hello my friend.
Recently, I have been studying English before going to work.
Of course‥self-study☺️
I wish I were rich‥😔
When I was a child, I had abused by my father.
It's a bad memory for me.
Someday I want to be a college student.
(I'm 43 years old🙂)
Thank you.+2
149. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:45:38
Wow‥It's amazing 👏+3
150. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:48:46
I hope you would be happy.I think that quitting a job is a hard decision. If you decided it with enough consideration, it is correct! Please, keep your own way!+6
151. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:50:24
笑Sounds great😆
I’ve never tried Hamburg steaks putting cheese on top before! Say hello to your mom from me please? I’ll visit you after work with a 10kg-bag of rice:)+2
152. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:50:36
Yes…! Her golden stomach should be honored….!
But I can’t follow her😅 it’s so tough😂+1
153. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:50:46
Big thumbs up for you (studying english before going to work) !!!
Keep it up !!!+2
154. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:54:27
Congratulation! Please be safe and don’t work hard.+4
155. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:56:25
Really? Hamburg with cheese is the best combination! I’ll recommend you if you were younger than me or you had a young stomach like my mom’s😊
I’ll be waiting for you with your huge bag of rice!
Take care of your hip ache😝+2
156. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 17:56:41
I’m fine.
What is your dinner?+0
157. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:00:16
Thank you for your kind reply. Yes, that was so hard for me leaving from my job.
I’ve join this company about three years ago, hired as a manager. But reality was so severe. I’m ONLY female manager in my company. At first, I didn’t care about that, but some male colleagues and my staff took rebellious attitudes toward me. After 2 years later, I diagnosed sever depression. So I decided leaving my office.+2
158. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:03:59
159. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:06:21
I am also quitting my job.
I hope you find a better job.+4
160. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:07:56
Sorry to jump in.
Have you shared the story at one of the shigoto-topic in Garu-chan? If you were so, I talked with you about it at that time.
I’m glad to hearing from you that you decided to quit your job. I worried about you. It’s time to rest.☺️+2
161. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:08:22
Happy Birthday ㊗️+1
162. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:09:05
It’s toooo huge for me now…+0
163. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:18:29
I have to prepare the dinner for my family.
Will make soup curry🥰+2
164. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:19:08
I eat fish and rice ,egg.
Now,I want to eat pudding.+3
165. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:20:38
Thank you again. Yes, I did. It was me.
I took several job hiring interviews for a month.And I passed first interviews in 2 companies.
Next week I’ll take final interview, then next week I’ll take another one.
For now, I have some complicated feelings, first one is confidence about my capabilities, another one is anger, sadness and disappointment.
166. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:21:35
You maybe get enough protein!+3
167. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:23:03
You too? Please keep yourself fine, and I hope you will find suitable job soon. Take care too!+3
168. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:23:10
Oh !
Great なmother ね。
It’s good for your mother to take protein.
169. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:35:58
I’m glad to see you again and congrats on starting your new journey. It’s amazing you already proceeded some job interviews.
I have a sympathy of your complicated feelings. Changing the life or habit etc…always makes us nervous. I’m not sure what I should say but…you are able to have confidence about your capabilities which is based on your carriers and efforts. Please believe yourself. Good luck 🤞
170. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:40:48
171. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:41:50
Yes, she is a great mom😅
She want to go to eat at Maisen(Tonkatsu restaurant in Omotesando) or Gold rush (the hamburgs restaurant in the attached image). She loves some foods which are contained not only protein but also lots of fats.+3
172. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:43:49
173. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:45:03
That sounds yummy! I made nikujaga tonight+2
174. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:46:20
I will steam some rice with turmeric for our dinner🍛+2
175. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:47:33
Sounds good!! I just turned on my rice cooker🙂+2
176. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:48:54
I don’t want to do a tax. I have to do it today but I’m feeling lazy.+1
177. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 18:50:36
Thank you, I moved to tears by your kindness.
Yes, changing our life or huge decisions make me anxious. Especially here in Japan, job seekers some times considered as “Job hoppers”, that is I deeply concerned.
Thank you for many Girls channel’s girls! I feel like I’m not alone🫶+3
178. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 19:05:52
My tears are falling too automatically😭
I also have experiences to change my job for 4 times in my carrier, so I know that we are sometimes regarded “job hopper”. In Japanese situation it can’t against with it even people worked for foreign company’s branch.
Let me say again, I was so glad to see you here today.
You are not alone, of course I am not.
I hope to see you again somewhere in Garu-chan sometime!
179. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 19:11:27
I’ve done the Kakuei-Shinkoku last week. It was bothersome……😓+3
180. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 19:15:54
I can’t texting anymore, because I can’t stop falling tears…
Yes, yes, yes, I clearly understand all you experienced situations because I experienced that too.
Thank you for your “listening” that all I wanted.
181. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 19:18:34
I love this English chatting-room better than normal zatsu-dan because the normal Zatsu-dan is streamed the comments too fast.
It is calm and slow, I feel like talking here.😌+5
182. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 19:21:51
183. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 19:33:43
I understand. I really wonder why diet members don't do tax. People are in anger.+3
184. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 19:37:32
How was your day?+0
185. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 19:40:53
Lamb chops are fried up in crispy!!🥩+3
186. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 19:43:13
i am 105. i withdraw my comments. i am sorry.+0
187. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 19:43:55
Nothing special. It was normal day😊😅+2
188. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 19:47:15
ls dual personality appeared?! or just was a pretending person?!?!😳
189. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 20:07:56
190. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 20:14:33
oh, you made a big decision, didn't you.
I hope your decision can lead you to a bright
191. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 20:42:56
I did nothing special. I went get a body massage, and it felt great.+1
192. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 20:46:15
Thank you for your warm reply. You and all girls’s comments cheer me up.
I hope you will have great future too!+0
193. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 20:56:34
Congrats ‼️✨
I wish you had a wonderful pregnant days
and had a great pretty baby 😍
Take care 💖
194. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 20:58:53
Oh you love Tegoshi?+0
195. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 21:02:46
Thanks.Ieat mister donuts🍩+0
196. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 21:08:06
Sorry sorry.Dear>>156.>>166+0
197. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 21:10:37
Looks very delicious🤤+2
198. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 21:25:08
Neither, do I. I wish the emperor's birthday would be tomorrowーーーー+1
199. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 21:32:05
Which prefecture?
Have it been cold today in Kanto area?
I saw news about car accidents in Hakone, covered with snow.+0
200. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 21:39:41
Don't mimd!
I understand you
It's very difficult+0
201. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 21:44:02
It's not we but "they that must pay taxes.+0
202. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 22:00:52
I’ve just reached 100 day streak in French on Duolingo. I’ve been learning it without any other textbooks, videos etc. but now I can read a short text at an easy level without any knowledge of French grammar. It’s amazing App for habituating for learning languages, I think.
*Please correct my English if it sounds awkward.+2
203. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 22:28:58
204. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 23:29:12
Thanks to encourage me!!+0
205. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 23:31:28
Thank you for letting me your opinion! I’ll try it!+2
206. 匿名 2024/02/25(日) 23:37:58
After having our dinner, I had an argument with my husband about “KINOKO or TAKENOKO?”
Everyone, which one do you prefer?!
I’m in the KINOKO party😊+2
207. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 00:40:09
I like Takenoko than Kinoko.
Beause the cookie is richer!+1
208. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 00:54:21
I 羽生 no 記憶 for この三連休、 ホワッと ディど I ドゥー?
I ワズ stayING オールmost in 布ー団ー with がる & checkinぐ トピックす アバ 岩橋、
209. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 01:12:46
I can't sleep well the day before at work
210. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 01:24:30
yea work after 3days weekend is so tiring.
and its almost end of Japanese schedule year.
211. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 01:27:46
I wondered what English words Iwahashi should replace with, and noticed Iwahashi was Iwahashi.
It didn't need to replace. I goofed up.
212. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 01:41:58
213. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 01:45:31
I am definitely on Takenoko side.
The cookie part is so wonderful!It is not too crispy or dry. The combination of cookie part and chocolate is amazing!+0
214. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 01:56:48
I wonder im depression+0
215. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 02:05:00
oh sorry for my misunderstanding!
that sounds serious. do you have massive stress from work?+0
216. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 02:15:11
what if he is the real one ?+0
217. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 02:25:43
great! im glad that now you feel so good!+0
218. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 07:02:04
wow.what a coinsidence!
my husband's birthday is today too!
I decolated room by many baloons.
birthday cake was only2,000yen at シャトレーゼ。not so bad,
But I won't get the cake at シャトレーゼ anymore.
219. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 07:56:09
Its oky
yes i have stress from work.
my work is very monotone and it is simple task.
sometimes I hit to wall in my room.i can't control my emotion.+0
220. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 08:10:43
Thanks for the reply.
It seems TAKENOKO is popular here.
I like more TAKENOKO than KINOKO before, but as I get older I become to prefer KINOKO’s light taste.
221. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 08:35:18
Sorry for cutting in.
My husband got depression and retired his job 5 years ago, and he still rest at home now.
My most regret is that I couldn’t notice his slight changes in both mental and physical conditions. If you noticed your feeling goes wrong yourself, I think you should rest immediately.
I know there are lots of problems to take sick leave; money, relation ship, public appearances and so on….
However most important thing is yourself - your mental and physical.
Please don’t forget it. Take care💕
222. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 09:44:59
Taking shower is bothersome…but it’s time to have to do it. I must leave here at 10:30🕥+0
223. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 10:07:41
take care
224. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 10:10:35
Estoy aprendienda espanol!Pero no habla espanol mucho.
I want to speak spanish wall. I am not good at English too. Because I stoped study English after entrancs university examination. But, I could listen to all words when Mr.Mads mikkelsen spoked in Tokyo comic con!+0
225. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 10:12:14
Oh…I find some mistake of my sentence now.+0
226. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 11:44:19
Hi, Garue! I’m Galu. Nice to meet you!+4
227. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 11:47:09
I prefer Takenoko! Sorry, Kinoko.+1
228. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 11:48:44
It looks yummy!+2
229. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 12:02:30
I am Garuyo and I’m very hungry now.
What’s today’s lunch menu?+1
230. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 12:04:34
Oh,I see.
I'm around forty years old now and I I haven't eaten in a while.So you make me want to eat Takenoko then I might be change my mind ;)+0
231. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 12:06:57
Hi.Garuyo!I already ate lunch.It was stir-fried leftover vegetables from yesterday..+1
232. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 12:21:06
Was? Aren't you well now?+1
233. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 12:40:18
234. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 12:57:28
Oh I'm so glad 😊 Thanks a lot😍+1
235. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 13:59:55
I wanna show you my perfect body!!+0
236. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 14:01:39
please tell me about,
"bean dip"
237. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 14:25:12
238. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 14:34:49
I wish your good luck!Rest a Well
By the way what kind of work did you do?+0
239. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 15:28:51
240. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 15:52:29
I respect your decision. No offense, but you should’ve put “a” before “hard decision” because it’s a noun.
Good luck, anyways :)+0
241. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 17:11:42
242. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 17:17:07
Are you removing dental plaque(歯垢?) now?+0
243. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 17:21:28
244. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 17:26:08
bean dip: To flick a woman's (or man's) breast with the index finger
このことかな? 話題になってました。
“Love Is Blind” Season 6: What Is Bean Dip? — Controversy Explained – TVLinetvline.com“Love Is Blind” Season 6 cast member Brittany discusses the bean dip joke gone wrong in Episode 6.
245. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 17:28:17
Shut up!+0
246. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 17:31:44
247. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 17:38:32
Is she fattening?+0
248. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 17:44:49
I’m going to take an Eiken exam this year. It’s my first try, and my target is grade 1 or pre-1 (not sure how long I take to make it, though). Should I start at pre-1 without trying lower grades? I got a score of 930 on the TOEIC a long time ago.+0
249. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 18:12:36
That’s so healthy!!
I think you are so slim and cute women.
What’s your dinner’s menu?
My lunch was only one rice-ball and Umeboshi.
Now I grill a chicken.
250. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 18:34:45
251. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 18:39:56
Thank you for your reply!
252. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 18:41:18
253. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 19:04:25
>>251'Love Is Blind' Bean Dip Debate Explained, And Why AD Is 'Shocked'www.today.comWhat is bean dip? Explaining the Love Is Blind season 6 fight and what AD has to say about the fight between Laura and Jeramy about beandip.
254. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 19:36:53
255. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 19:44:03
By the way, how do you translate 熊野古道の「古道」?
My friend said old path.
I said ancient road.
How about you+0
256. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 20:14:03
Thank you for your kindees!
Im so happy+0
257. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 20:39:37
I recommend you take pre-1 grade.+1
258. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 20:55:18
Oh,Thank you! But instead, I eat a lot of chocolate jajaja.
I made hamberg which recipi was from cookpad at dinner.It was delicious!+0
259. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 20:59:02
ancient pilgrim trail+2
260. 匿名 2024/02/26(月) 21:47:32
261. 匿名 2024/02/27(火) 00:30:26
262. 匿名 2024/02/27(火) 00:34:03
The upper ones are きのこの山, and the lower ones are たけのこの里, but lower ones' names are not included bamboo shoots. A cone is just a shape. It would be hard to name both of them.+0
263. 匿名 2024/02/27(火) 00:47:53
Thanks :)+1
264. 匿名 2024/02/27(火) 00:50:14
Yea, yes, I agree with you👍
It’s not Apple-to-Apple.+0
265. 匿名 2024/02/27(火) 02:46:37
Get a job!+0
266. 匿名 2024/02/27(火) 19:09:45
267. 匿名 2024/02/28(水) 21:11:34
268. 匿名 2024/03/01(金) 11:51:14
I think I want to study English, but I’m usually lazy and find myself using my smartphone…
I think I want to speak English fluently sometime, however sometime will never come :(+0
269. 匿名 2024/03/02(土) 01:55:02
270. 匿名 2024/03/25(月) 10:17:40
Anyone watching yet?+0